Our 4 product lines:


Posity Neo
Posity Neo - the new Posity. What's new about Posity Neo? How can I use Posity Neo? What will change for me? What happens to the old Posity? You can find answers to your questions here.



Datenbanklösung entwickeln

Software Solutions

Would you like to have software created that exactly meets your requirements? You need a partner to maintain existing software? » Learn more



Adaptive ERP

Industrie 4.0 und
Industrial automation

You want to get more out of your production facilities and digitize and network them? » Learn more



Access-, Excel-Lösung Ablösung

Machine controls

You are looking for a partner to create and maintain your machine control systems? » Learn more



Softwareentwicklung mit Posity

Consulting / Rent an Engineer

You have open technical questions or are looking for expert support in the area of software or machine control? » Learn more