We connect your production systems with your company software.
Product portfolio:
These terms (also known as the fourth industrial revolution) refer to comprehensive, end-to-end digitalization from the production plant to the company software. Specifically, it is about [1.] networking (machines, IoT, web, ERP, etc.), [2.] information transparency (digital twin), [3.] technical assistance (data science, wizards) and [4.] automation of processes (cyber-physical systems).
We would be happy to show you what is conceivable, what is feasible today, how you can use the possibilities of the cloud, data science and artificial intelligence.
Posity AG has a broad network of partner companies, technical colleges and universities. If necessary, we can call in the relevant experts. Of course, you will continue to receive your entire solution from a single source, with Posity AG remaining your sole point of contact.